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Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol. 26

Washington, D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, 1972.


Mango, Hawkins 1972. Mango C., Hawkins E. J. W. The Mosaics of St. Sophia at Istanbul. The Church Fathers in the North Tympanum 1–42
Weitzmann 1972. Weitzmann K. The Ivories of the So-called Grado Chair 43–92
Andreescu 1972. Andreescu I. Torcello. I. Le Christ Inconnu. II. Anastasis et Jugement Dernier: Têtes Vraies, Têtes Fausses 183–224
Proxorov 1972. Proxorov G. M. A Codicological Analysis of the Illuminated Akathistos to the State Historical Museum, Synodal Gr. 429) 237–252
Lixačeva 1972. Lixačeva V. D. The Illumination of the Greek Manuscript of the Akathistos State Historical Museum, Synodal Gr. 429) 253–262